Friday, May 4, 2007

PR and me: together forever? Let’s hope so!

I know it seems that I complain a lot on this blog, but I truly love public relations. I love networking, building relationships, writing, creating, generating ideas…everything. I realize that with many things in my life, I suffer from this gene where I act like something’s a burden when it’s really something I can’t live without. I have been fortunate enough to find a career I truly enjoy and I am sure that my love for PR will take me down a path that will yield highs and lows, but, ultimately, professional satisfaction. I look forward to seeing where PR goes into the future as new media is introduced and target audiences continue to morph and change. It seems that now, more than ever, PR is seen as an integral part of companies. Many small businesses wish they could afford the support that PR practitioners provide a company. PR is important and will continue to expand. I can only hope that I will be able to learn, improve and grow along with it.


Anonymous said...

When you a PR finally come together professionally, you'll probably stay together - - - you'll probably continue to love it.

Mezelle said...

Just wanted to say congrats to getting all those blogs posted this week. I knew you'd pull through. HA HA HA! And since almost half of the people didn't even have 15 posts, that better mean A's for us!!!
Good luck with the rest of finals!